Luxembourg corporations with CAISSE?RAI in the beginning

Free Luxembourg organizations directory

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Number of items: 48
Records in a single page: 40
  1. Caisse Raiffeisen Musel Sauerdall
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20415
  2. Caisse Raiffeisen Canton Remich
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20373
  3. Caisse Raiffeisen Soleuvre-Mondercange
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20351
  4. Caisse Raiffeisen Steinsel
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20319
  5. Caisse Raiffeisen Bascharage-Reckange-Soleuvre
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20301
  6. Caisse Raiffeisen Moersdorf-Rosport Societe Cooperative
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94444
  7. Caisse Raiffeisen Remerschen-Mondorf-Burmerange
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20280
  8. Caisse Raiffeisen Diekirch Feulen
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94447
  9. Caisse Raiffeisen Mamer
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20273
  10. Caisse Raiffeisen Noerdange-Saeul-Useldange Societe Cooperative
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94446
  11. Caisse Raiffeisen Wiltz Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  12. Caisse Raiffeisen Kehlen
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20274
  13. Caisse Raiffeisen Bertrange-Leudelange
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20302
  14. Caisse Raiffeisen Bettborn Perle
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B92046
  15. Caisse Raiffeisen
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94441
  16. Caisse Raiffeisen Reckange/mess
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20362
  17. Caisse Raiffeisen Wormeldange-Ehnen-Ahn-Niederdonven
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20337
  18. Caisse Raiffeisen Binsfeld Societe
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94440
  19. Caisse Raiffeisen Canach-Greiveldange-Lenningen
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20303
  20. Caisse Raiffeisen Mamer Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  21. Caisse Raiffeisen Niederanven/syrdall
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20276
  22. Caisse Raiffeisen Useldange Bissen
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94226
  23. Caisse Raiffeisen Kayl Roeser
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20334
  24. Caisse Raiffeisen Hoffelt-Binsfeld-Weiswampach Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  25. Caisse Raiffeisen Bascharage-Reckange-Soleuvre Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  26. Caisse Raiffeisen Noerdange-Saeul-Useldange Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  27. Caisse Raiffeisen Hostert/luxembourg
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20349
  28. Caisse Raiffeisen Wiltz Societe Cooperative
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94443
  29. Caisse Raiffeisen Mersch
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20416
  30. Caisse Raiffeisen Feulen Societe
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94448
  31. Caisse Raiffeisen Diekirch Feulen Sc
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  32. Caisse Raiffeisen Weiswampach Societe Cooperative
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94175
  33. Caisse Raiffeisen Burmerange
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20314
  34. Caisse Raiffeisen Saeul Societe
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B94176
  35. Caisse Raiffeisen Bech Kleinmacher
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20272
  36. Caisse Raiffeisen Bigonville-Perle
    UNAVAILABLE - Luxembourg company code: -
  37. Caisse Raiffeisen Mertert-Wasserbillig-Moersdorf-Rosport
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20375
  38. Caisse Raiffeisen Roeser/uelzechtdall
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20318
  39. Caisse Raiffeisen Bigonville-Perlé Société Coopérative
    Closed - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B92045
  40. Caisse Raiffeisen Junglinster
    Open - SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE - Luxembourg company code: B20380
Number of items: 48
Records in a single page: 40
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